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The result

The Jeep has a motor with 4.2 liter capacity and 275 PS. The fuel consumption is normally over 15 liters per 100 km (about 17 mpg). Since the QUANTEC treatment, Dr. Cieslar has obtained a consumption of only about 12 liters of normal gasoline per 100 km (over 21 mpg). Saving: 3 liters per 100 km!


Dr. Cieslar had the capacity of his Harley Roadking increased to 1550 cc, which raised it from 67 PS to the normal 85 PS as delivered. Thanks to treatment with QUANTEC, the consumption dropped from 8 to 5.66 liters of super gasoline per 100 km (i.e., an increase from 35 to over 50 mpg). Saving: over 2 liters per 100 km!

How does QUANTEC transmit the information "oxygen"?

Read about the remote influence of twin photons. The fact that QUANTEC is capable of transmitting information over long distances has been documented and published many times. The remote QUANTEC effect not only on motors but also on bacteria and fungi has also been demonstrated.


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